Auburn, Alabama

(334) 781-4105

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Chimney Sweep Auburn

The Chimney Company Chimney Sweep Auburn has been serving the Auburn community for over 15 years. With over 100 years of combined experience, it is no surprise that we are the best in the business.

In order for your Auburn chimney sweep to fully comprehend your house, it is critical that your chimney sweep is local. This way, your chimney sweep can provide the best service possible! Hence why we have been the best sweep around!

We treat our customers as if they were family; now; they are as important to us as our own.

There is no doubt that our chimney sweeps are some of the most experienced in Auburn!

We offer a full range of chimney and fireplace services at The Chimney Company. The Chimney Company Chimney Sweep Auburn is dedicated to providing excellent craftsmanship and quality service to ensure a great end result. 

Professional, well-trained, and well-dressed technicians work for us. Together, our technicians have more than 100 years of chimney and venting experience.

It is no surprise that we are the top choice for chimney and fireplace services in Auburn. Our chimney services are so comprehensive that we are your one-stop shop for all your needs!

Chimney Sweep Auburn

The best chimney sweep in Auburn is hard to find!

We use heavy-duty HEPA-grade chimney vacuums for thorough cleaning of chimneys and fireplaces. Your home is kept clean with the use of drop cloths, booties, gloves, and HEPA-grade vacuums!

No additional charge is added to our chimney cleaning services; we inspect for safety and maintenance issues and use the latest chimney video scanning equipment. Finally, our sweepers will arrive in a marked company van, dressed in a uniform, and with business cards. After passing extensive background checks and receiving ongoing training, you can expect the highest quality service.

There is no better chimney cleaning service in Auburn than ours!

Call us today to schedule one of our amazing techs out to your property today!

The Chimney Company


We Accept Visa, Mastercard and Discover

Together, our fireplace and chimney technicians have more than 100 years of chimney and venting experience. We’re proud to serve customers all over the Southeast United States. The Chimney Company services the states of Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.


All of our technicians have been trained to the highest industry standards.

There is no way to train values into your workers, so that is why we carefully sift through our technicians before we hire them. To ensure the best possible character is on their side, we perform extensive background checks.

The cost of our chimney cleaning services is not increased when  we inspect for safety and maintenance issues as well as use the latest chimney video scanning equipment after a sweep. Lastly, our sweepers will arrive in a marked company van, wearing uniforms, and with business

Call us today to schedule one of our amazing techs out to your property today!

Many homeowners wonder if hiring a chimney sweep will increase or decrease their home’s value. In our experience with hundreds of clients, there has been a negative impact in not having your chimney swept!

If you’re concerned about resale value or maintaining a higher quality of living while avoiding unnecessary risks at home, give us a call. You won’t regret it!

The Chimney Company

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